Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 2nd/Tuesday 3rd

Pretty much the 2nd (and the 3rd due to our 15 hour time change) consisted of sitting on a plane, which started the "sore butt tour." We were able, by the grace of God, to get our seats changed, as we were not given seats together at first. We met some sweet people in the airport in Tokyo, Japan.
One woman told us of her life and how she was coming from Colorado, headed to Bangkok, to see her husband in the military. I couldn't believe how sad to only see him a few weeks every 6 months. We arrived in Bangkok to discover our bags were taken straight to Chaing Mai, so we were free (after a line of 4's) to get to our hotel Novotel. (Okay, so every person we went to with a question gave us an answer that involved a 4. It was humorous because we heard 4 about 20 times...comical really :)). Novotel was a beautiful hotel with great accommodations. It actually cost the same as the Hacienda in LA and was much more luxury accomodations.

Light Bulb Moment on the Plane:
To say I enjoy the trek from LAX to CNX would be a complete lie. Somewhere between the 15 hour time change. Long hours sitting, switching planes and customs makes me a bit insane. I feel homesick already just from the journey, but in the midst of this madness God spoke something amazing to my heart.
As timing would have it two days after I return to California, I am singing at church. My first song choice didn't pan out, so before leaving I chose a second song that I love called, "Held" by Natalie Grant. I brought the words and song on my ipod so I could practice. As I read the words on the plane, God used the song to answer some questions for me.
Before heading on my trip, many questioned why I was going and why I wanted a visit to a refugee camp to be apart of my trip. The only answer I had was that I felt God wanted me to go. It was on my heart, but I had no human reason to give (not that I needed one). As I sat on the plane with the lyrics before me I started to cry because I knew that this song was for the refugees and its lyrics held the purpose of my trip to the camp. The song talks about devastation people experience and knowing in the midst of it what it means to be loved and held by our Savior - that no matter the circumstances we face, being loved by God and held in his hands are what is most important. I want to walk with my brothers and sisters in Christ showing them love because that is what matters most. I want to extend my heart to my Christian family around the world. By extending the love of Christ to those with circumstances less than appealing is a true extension of hope.

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