Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dear Young Girl,

Below is a letter from Carrie today to Carrie of the past:

I want you to know you are beautiful inside and out! You are valuable just because you exist. Our world may devalue you, but please don't join in. God created you with purpose. He has plans for you that go beyond anything you could imagine. Don't allow fear keep you from thinking big and going for God's limitless life of fulfillment. Don't allow people to treat you with disrespect. Don't assume because people treat you badly that you deserve such treatment. Dare to dream and push yourself toward goals even in the face of failure. Failure isn't a bad thing, its a sign that you are going for it all. Set boundaries and dare to say no to things that aren't good for you. Face fears and enjoy life to the fullest. Spend time with your friends and live life to the fullest. Don't let disappointments and heartaches take you down and or say anything about your value. Rejection is a fact of life and happens to everyone. Don't take everything to heart or personal. You will get past this time and much more. So hang on and enjoy the ride.

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