Thursday, August 11, 2011

Get Over It

Have you ever noticed how we tend to focus on the negative? I was once told when we fall down on walking down the sidewalk we don't lay there and cry that we were so stupid to fall, but we get up and keep walking, yet in life too many times we find ourselves stopped crying over a fall. I too am guilty of this, but I see too many people focused on the fall instead of the road ahead.

People make mistakes and as I look at the lessons I want to teach my son, this is an important one. If I spend time hiding mistakes or focusing on my failures I am teaching him that there is fault in falling, but really the fault is in not picking yourself and continuing on. We need to take responsibility for our wrong actions, when applicable, but we need to learn from it and move on. Dwelling does no one any good. I want Caleb to know that mistakes and failures are just a part of life. Finishing something means something when you've learned from mistakes along the way.

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