Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Grief stricken

I wish I could explain the pain I feel in my loss of the baby, and all that came with it. Its been hard to walk in life and see dreams fall to the ground. Its been hard to celebrate in other's joyous moments when they seem to point to my pain. At times, though I know this is not true, I feel God mocks me as the things I praised him for seem to fade away and as each week brings 3 or 4 more pregnant friends. I know God is good, and I know he loves me. I recognize that my heartache is far less than others' suffering around the world, but that knowledge does not comfort me. Its hard to find joy when I find myself daily swimming in grief pools. I know all will be well, but my heart wants to explode inside my chest. This too shall pass, but for now it just hurts worse than any break-up has even broken my heart.

While I thank people for their pointing to the encouragement of knowing I may now get pregnant, it almost feels worse. Like a desire was finally given only to be taken away. It hurts.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie- i continue to pray for you. if i could encourage you in one thing it would be to allow yourself to grieve as long you need to. there is no time limit on grieving. that is your baby. it's normal to see others and feel that pain. don't be too hard on yourself. and while others mean well with their words, sometimes it just makes it worse. praying for continued healing and peace in your heart. love you!
