Have you ever paid attention to everything you think about in a given day? Today, I offer you one simple exercise.
Take note for one hour (I would suggest at different times) each day for a week about the thoughts that went through your head. You don't have to share them with others, but it might be helpful to check out any patterns you have.
What do you think about?
How do you think about or think through life situations?
Did you have a negative or positive thought process to life as it happened?
Were you surprised by how much you thought about certain things?
If you were to put them in categories, how many thought categories do you have?
What were the thoughts you didn't like?
What were the thoughts you loved?
What else stuck out to you in this exercise?
Most of us want to change, yet few of us actually do anything about it, and I believe its because we aren't willing to do the internal inventory and discover where we truly are in life.
Taking inventory of your thoughts, helps you to see where you are. When you decide what you want from life, then retraining your thought life can help you to get there. If you want to know more about this, then go grab a book by Dr. Caroline Leaf.
As you take inventory above, I would also ask the question:
What thoughts do I want in my brain?
If you didn't like the way you thought about life or yourself or you found yourself stuck in a negative mental cycle, what would you want to replace it with?
This month on mindset, really is important because how we think about our life is one of the most important building blocks for changing words and actions. There is so much out of our control, but if we focus solely on that, we can miss what we do have control over. That is where our time and thoughts should be spent.
I'd love to hear how this went for you! Happy Wednesday!
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