Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What Are You Fighting For?

Yesterday, I learned another marriage I respected went down in flames.  You know how I felt?  I felt angry.  

We have settled as a Christian community, on our standard of marriage and allowed divorce, when the Bible is clear - divorce is wrong.  Divorce is something that completely sucks. Yes, I know its 2017, but that truth still rings true today!  There are situations when divorce is necessary, but this blog is not addressing the special circumstance divorce - too many people simply don’t “feel” it anymore and just move on. 

But you can’t just move on.  

Marriage is two pieces of paper, glued together, and when the glue has dried those papers can’t be separated.  When we divorce, its rips us apart.  When you add children to the ripping, its an even greater tragedy. 

In light of this, I have some truth bombs to drop: 

  1. Marriage isn’t easy.  
I know that couple that posts their lovey dovey Instagram pictures about finding their soul mate and enjoying another day of their perfect life, and I’m sure you do too.  It can lead us to believe that the perfect marriage exists, but no marriage is perfect.  Social media is our best; we don’t post the bad days.  I’m married and I can say, marriage is HARD!!!!! 

2. Marriage is something to fight for!  
Marriage isn’t just about a love feeling.  It is a spiritual union.  It is a way to seek God on a whole new level.  When we come together as a married couple we can fight against the enemy.  Satan is real and he is out to take you down any way he can.  Marriage is just one of those ways.  

I love my marriage and my husband, but we are stronger because of the battles we have faced and overcame, not the romantic moments shared with a hashtag.  Kevin and I have come against a lot in our 14 years together.  I compare our journey to climbing to the peak of Mt. Everest with my climbing partner and celebrate the fact that we survived! 

Those challenges have made me a stronger wife, woman and child of God.  Sure, I’ve wanted to quit, but quitting doesn’t do anyone any good. There are beautiful moments and you have to hang onto them when you reach a storm, but the storm is normal and don’t forget you made a commitment.  Learning to stand strong and persevere grows character muscles we need and need to pass on to our children.  

3. You Didn’t Marry the Wrong Person  

If you married them, guess what, they are the right person.  God has a plan and if you trust him and follow his instructions, it will work out.  We aren’t here to be the happiest people on earth.  Happiness is great, but fleeting.  We are here to be holy and to become closer with our Creator.  Instead of seeing the greener grass in another person, see the beauty in your mate.  Get help if you need it, but refocus on what first drew you to them.  

4. Divorce is destructive.  

As a child of divorce, I can tell you my parents’ divorce, hurt me.  I don’t blame them or hold them in contempt of any kind.  God met me in my hurt and brought healing to me, he gave me compassion for others facing the same reality and gave me a place to pray.  But I never got God’s best, because divorce breaks the family.  Kids get shuffled and even in the best arrangements it messes with a kids identity and security.  

5.  Staying Married Isn’t Enough

If you are in a difficult marriage, its not enough to just stay unhappily married - you must pull up your sleeves and get to work.  My greatest tool in marriage, and in life, has been prayer.  When I pray for my husband, God’s work in him will benefit every aspect of his life including our marriage.  You must do whatever it takes to save your marriage and allow it to thrive.  

6. Just Because Your Spouse Has Quit, Doesn’t Mean Its Over

Some people don’t have a choice, their spouse left them and they are stuck in this new reality.  Others face a spouse with addiction or infidelity and in those moments we need to be strong in prayer and boundaries but we can’t give up!  Continue to pray because you never know what can happen.  I’ve seen people separate while one works on personal issues so that they could save their marriage, and I’ve seen people continue to pray and believe in God’s best in the midst of a spouse choosing to walk away.  

A great friend of mine said it best when she said: “In the end, its not really about marriage; it comes down to how much do you trust God?”  

Faith isn’t looking into the face of reality, its looking into hopelessness and speaking God’s truth, despite reality.  God is bigger than your marriage - do you trust him to save it? An easy life is fun but its not the richest life, and when we fail to fight for what really matters we lose - every time!

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